308. 10 at Claymore

The mum wanted a buffet for her birthday so we ended up at 10 at Claymore. It was rare since we don’t normally do buffet often. haha me and my mum, we just have a small stomach. So we opted for the brunch menu since we could try their Plates of Pleasure as well. It was nice that the restaurant wasn’t crowded so we could just enjoy a quiet lunch without having kids running around and I could take the pictures to my heart’s content. hee 😉

I have to say 10 at Claymore does serve an extensive list of buffet, with quite a number of live stations

This ham is way beyond awesome. Pairing it with the pineapple sauce was de-li-cious

Cheese for the mice!

Just kidding

Give the Iberico ham a try too! I like this, cos it wasn’t too overwhelming salty.

A platter of the cold cut. I have to say the oysters were my favourite. The French & the Canadian were equally good. Sweet, taut & full of sea salt. The lobster meat was a little tough, disappointing in my opinion. And the rest, pretty normal.

And now, on to the Plates of Pleasure. Plates of Pleasure are actually Ala Carte items but specially featured in this Brunch menu for those who just wanted to try a small portion of it. And so I gave everything a try.

Harmonious Six Treasures

The lotus rice was really fragrant, and cooked just right. With the flavours incorporated in it, this is really a pretty good dish.

Cantonese Imperial Eight

There is something I cannot put to it. A little strange I have to say. It’s not that it tasted bad, but there was no wow factor here.

Pacific Cod Blossom

 Didn’t like this. Probably the portion was too small for me to understand the whole dish.

Szechuan Kurobuta Pork

This dish just reminded me of why I didn’t like yam, at all. The pork was not very tender. The yam, just felt apart and tasted a little dry.

Australian Beef Tenderloin

The beef sadly, though cooked well but was overwhelmed by flavours, so much that I couldn’t really appreciate the beef at all.

Peddler’s Spicy Prawn Noodle

This was.. quite a failure. Firstly, it was not spicy. Secondly, it tasted diluted.

Award Winning Char Kway Teow

I’m glad this award winning dish is still award winning

CNN’s yummiest “Assam Laksa”

It really tasted like Penang’s assam laksa, not that I’m a fan of.

Fricasse Egg Omelette

This feels like comfort food. Good, normal, nothing spectacular

So moving on to the desserts section, 10 at Claymore serves a delectable array of desserts. Please make sure you leave alot of space for them. If not, you’ll regret it (pssst, the desserts are really awesome!)

 Crispy Nutella Crepe w Lemongrass Icecream

Totally. To. Die. For

Overall, the buffet table shines on its own. So you can just skip the brunch menu. Save the stomach space and the extra you are paying for. Also I find it very strange when I made the reservation, the waitress asked if there was any occasion and I said yes. But then on the day itself, there was nothing happening even after paying the bill. I was left, very confused. What’s the point of asking in the first place, right?

Anyway, back to the point, here’s the address!

10 at Claymore, Pan Pacific Orchard

10 Claymore Road, S(229540)

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